Captain Skull: Chaos Ranger

Screenshot de aplicare:
Captain Skull: Chaos Ranger
Detalii de aplicare:
Versiune: 1.0
Incarca data: 27 Apr 18
Licenţă: Gratuit
Popularitate: 407
Dimensiune: 232 Kb

Rating: 2.4/5 (Total Votes: 7)

Captain Skull used to be in charge of S.K.U.L.L galaxy organization, but he was betrayed by his general. You are going to experience 8 levels of crazy chaos and boss battle at the end of the Java game. Destroy the intergalactic warrior army and help Captain Skull to take vengeance. Operate the space ship in the fight against you enemies.

Game features:

  • Evitați navele inamice, câmpurile de asteroizi și incendiile inamice
  • Colectați bonusuri pentru a mări sănătatea și pentru a vă îmbunătăți armele


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